Crazysister at the Big Heads

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Travel Day !

Today was a travel day! We left Sioux Falls, South Dakota at 6:45 am. We made our way down interstate 29 ( construction 100% of the way) through Sioux City into Iowa. We were close enough to Nebraska to throw a rock and hit, but we know that we can’t count that as a visit. Several wrecks in Kansas City, Missouri slowed us down… but finally we arrived in Springfield, Missouri around 6:30 pm.

We were all glad to finally get some temperatures that are out of the 50s, and the first bit of sunshine in a couple of days. The KOA in Sioux Falls was very friendly and clean. We love to rate the showers… and Sioux Falls right now is in the lead for … best water pressure and hottest water ! In fact, Miss Wendy says that it was a bit stronger that your typical pressure washer back home. The entire place seemed kind of new, and I could tell when we pulled in that this was not your Pap –Paws KOA. The majority of the visitors were sleeping in “motor homes” not “campers”.

The Springfield KOA is right off of Route 66. Thank goodness we got here in time for Katie to swim some with Nathan and Grayson. We are less than 100 yards from a major train track. It has already roared past twice since we got here… should make for an exciting night of sleep.

Tomorrow, we will try to be at the holy mecca of Bass Pro Shops at 7:00 am. Some in our group will stay a little longer while at least Katie, Miss Wendy, and I will head southeast towards Mansfield and the Rocky Ridge Farm of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Be prepared for at least 5 pictures of Pa’s (Charles’) fiddle.

I guess our goal is to leave here tomorrow morning and make it all the way to Memphis by dark thirty….

Our internet seems to working fairly consistently …. so, be sure to check out the additional pictures that have not been able to be loaded since Cody, Wyoming.

PS. We’re still getting our kicks on …. Route 66 !


Anonymous said...

So glad that you guys are on your way "back east"...Happy to see "crazy sista" finally in front of " BIG HEADS " I miss her and Nate and I love them both dearly!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let Crazy Sista know that $70 was won on the poker scratch off lottery ticket tonight...

Mr. Wright said...

I will be sad to see this blog end...It's been a steady source of entertainment back here. Safe journey home y'all!

Unknown said...

"Elvis has left the building" but Graceland still I am sure you will be taking the tour. Hope you get to see some more of Memphis while you are there. Unless you take a side road the trip from Memphis to NC is pretty good for making tracks...enjoy the ride!
"Memories"(words & music by bill strange - scott davis)
Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine

Quiet thought come floating down
And settle softly to the ground
Like golden autumn leaves around my feet
I touched them and they burst apart with sweet memories,
Sweet memories

Of holding hands and red bouquets
And twilight trimmed in purple haze
And laughing eyes and simple ways
And quiet nights and gentle days with you

Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened thru the ages just like wine,
Memories, memories, sweet memories

as sung by Elvis and that is what this trip will always be for all of you...sweet memories!